Whispers of the Spirit!
prophetic words from Fathers Heart


Spiritual Nearsightedness

Father is calling unto HIS people. Speaking quietly to those who have 
an ear to hear.

"For far too long My people have attempted to perceive who I am and 
how I work through their human temporal eyes. This has resulted in 
many becoming spiritually nearsighted compelling them to compare My 
works to the works and thoughts of man. This has diminished what I 
have desired to manifest upon the earth. Now is the time for the 
dimness of spiritual vision to depart. It is time for My people to 
see My desires and directions through the window of their soul, 
pressing beyond what is temporally seen. Much is happening by the 
Spirit in the realm that is unseen. Stop focusing on how and what you 
feel should be made manifest.  Grasp hold of what IS REALITY, life by 
My Spirit. I call upon My watchman to speak unto the darkness, 
commanding the LIGHT to ARISE. As this LIGHT arises, clear vision 
will be made manifest to those who will step beyond where they have 
become comfortable. This will require blind trust in MY ability to 
bring them beyond what is temporally seen. Step out of the realm of 
the flesh and grasp hold of the Wind of My Spirit."

Father we praise your mighty name and humble ourselves before your 
throne. Make manifest your perfect will upon the earth. Bring us 
beyond our own perceptions, allowing us to know your heart. 

12 December 2000
Teresa M. Daly-Crews

The remnant army of the Lord is now being assembled and commissioned.
They have trained long and hard for the time that is at hand. Many
have just finished enduring a time of wrestling with doubt, unbelief
and hopelessness. This time was used by the Lord to show the
frailness of trusting in human strength and has caused those who
would listen to fall into the arms of the Father. Bringing forth a
trust and deep confidence that no matter the outward manifestation,
God is on the throne. Each warrior has an assigned position and comes
from very diverse backgrounds but are knit together with LOVE. Now is
the appointed time for the LIGHT (manifestation of Father) to SHINE
like never before.....those who have come thru much suffering,
persecution, rejection and pain will hold the banner of Love. Showing
the world (and body of Christ) that the power of HIS grace, love and
mercy is sufficient to endure and overcome ALL things!! We hold the
keys to OVERCOME all manner of temporal hindrance and spiritual

Stand forth in the POWER of HIS LOVE! Press beyond what is temporally
seen and have full faith that the strength you operate in is not by
the hand of man, but by the Power of HIS LOVE!

Arise Spirit of the Lord and manifest your glorious LIGHT into the

In HIS Service,
Teresa M. Daly-Crews
12 December 2000