Hello to all!

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continual prayer and support! For those who may have noted, I have been unable to share or update our site as frequently as I would have liked. This has not been due to lack of desire or loss of spiritual ground or bad stewardship. There have been many tests and trials concerning my health and instead of causing my destruction, many seeds of victory have been planted in my spirit which I will share in the future! The events of the past few years have required me to learn to trust Fathers plan for my life more than ever before! I have been enduring a tremendous time of "pressing", growing in the GRACE and LOVE of our Lord DAILY! 

During the summer of 2005, the enemy attempted to remove me from this life, but he was totally unsuccessful! My physicians told my family I would most likely not survive another 12 hours and to prepare for my eventual death. There was nothing else humanly possible that could have been done. My only hope was a miracle!!

As you can see...Father God showed Himself strong and did what no man was capable of! I am here today, once again proving that MIRACLES do happen! Though I do have numerous physical effects due to the events which occured...I am ALIVE and quite capable of sharing Fathers LOVE and for HIM to manifest tangible proof that HE is ALIVE and still on the throne!

It is my desire to continue to write and share the love and wisdom from Fathers Throne. Hopefully in the coming months I will be able to do teaching updates, add streaming features, and do some overhauls of the whole site! Many have requested that I make available many of the Spirit led teachings via video and tape and I hope to have that soon! I appreciate your prayers and continual support in the days to come.

I am also working with TOTALLY new software, so it is a learning process! Please forgive me as I learn through trial and error...with the Lords help I should be able to overcome any obstacles!!

Much love and Blessings!


we are part of a vast and expanding Body, each part uniquely created and fashioned by the hand of our Creator. All to be a living creation, working together for HIS GLORY!
Thank you for your support in the growth of this ministry. It blesses us when we hear the manifestation of answered prayers in each of your lives and we pray that our Father will continue to move mightily on your behalf. Please continue to send your prayer request to us and we will stand in agreement for victory in your life.

There has been much testing for many people in the way of faith and trust in the Lord's ability to perform recently. Without the hope and mercy given to us by the Spirit we would be left without strength and direction, but praise God we have a way of escape and abundant peace available for us to overcome. Regardless of what occurs in the natural or how difficult a situation seems, if we will allow the Lord to direct each and every step we take, we will hold peace even in the midst of a storm.

Father said that HIS people will be known in the times to come by the mantle of peace that they wear. These empowered believers will stand out from those bound in the natural and shine with the Light of the Lord. This Light will be seen by all those around and those who do not know the Lord as their savior will be drawn to the Light desiring to receive of the gift of freedom and love. The tests and trials that we now are enduring and overcoming are preparing us to carry this victory. We must stand firm in the promise and power of HIS love to receive the fullness of this anointing. The trying of our faith is more precious than anything, so rejoice that you are worthy to be counted and strengthened by the events of our lives.

 The time that the Lord has blessed me to spend with my family has reminded me just how important it is to take time for our families. Sometimes the events of life and ministry can overpower us and bring unbalance in our walk. We are told that we must have temperance in all things to be a manifested fruit upon our trees, this includes balance in ministry, work, friends and family. If we allow the events of life to rule us and press us to despair we are not following the Spirits direction. If our peace is lost during the events of day to day life, we have not allowed the Lord to direct our path. When we are in obedience to His direction in our lives even when the storms come we will rest in the arms of Jesus. 

I pray that we all grow daily in the fruit of the Spirit and our intimate relationship with the Lord! 

Please pray for Tony as he ministers daily as a registered nurse and that the Lord will bring across his path those whose hearts are prepared for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Also pray for our son Anthony as he continues to step out for the Lord. He desires to begin writing a page on our site for children, exhorting them to stand and be counted! 

Abundant Blessings to you all!!

Love from the Throne!


Blessings to Everyone!
We praise our wonderful savior and Father for the manifestation of HIS promises in our lives. He shows Himself strong on our behalf each day and we marvel to see how He brings things to pass as HE orders our steps, all so that the Lord of Lords  may be glorified! 

Praise God for HIS wondrous works!!



Home    Mission Statement   A Message from Tony 

Golden Lava  Seedtime~Harvestime  Speak to the Rock  Surrender   The Remnant  The Kingdom of God  Trying of Our Patience  Tribulation  Unity  We Must Not  The Wilderness  The Breath of God  The Wind of the Spirit  Enter His Courts  Praise Him in the Dance 

