While ministering this week I received what I call an electric thought from the Spirit. The Lord showed me a Hot Air Balloon. He said we were like the balloon. In the basket of the balloon stood bags of sand that were symbolic of flesh, sin and demonic strongholds in our lives. Because of the weight it has been difficult to float upward. The Spirit said that directly above lies a STRONG SWIFT POWERFUL WIND of the SPIRIT. Many in the Kingdom are stalled right beneath this Wind.

In order to rise higher and catch the Wind we must remove the sandbags (sin, flesh, strongholds) from our baskets. As quickly as we throw them off we will rise. The Spirit of the Lord is highlighting areas in our lives that displease Him. If we will acknowledge these areas, He will help us remove them.

There are so many in the Body who feel stalled out right now. The position right below the Wind is difficult and holds many obstacles. Division, confusion, frustration, hopelessness, depression, deception are just a few of the primary obstacles. Much of the attack is false illusions and perceptions in the mind. The enemy knows how close to victory we are and is trying in every way he can to stop us from rising. He is also trying to convince people that the past victories were just an illusion and not reality. Some have fallen to this lie because they have not outwardly felt the present victory. We must focus upon the NOW and not let the thoughts of the past nor the vain imaginations of the future weigh us down.

The Breath of God is blowing and we must rise to it. Our responsibility is to surrender and obey, praising Him through it all.

In His Service,
Teresa Daly-Crews
12 May 00